Hello Manase my name is Charlie and I'm from Karoro School and I am going to be your blog buddy. I really enjoyed watching and reading your slide show. You defiantly have correctly explained how fractions work and how to read fractions. Next time maybe add a title to your work instead of having the first slide saying task two. see you next time, bye. Here is the link to my blog if you want to see some of my work. https://karorocharlief.blogspot.com/
Hello Manase my name is Charlie and I'm from Karoro School and I am going to be your blog buddy. I really enjoyed watching and reading your slide show. You defiantly have correctly explained how fractions work and how to read fractions. Next time maybe add a title to your work instead of having the first slide saying task two. see you next time, bye. Here is the link to my blog if you want to see some of my work. https://karorocharlief.blogspot.com/